Kingfisher 2D Wool Cushion Cover Workshop is a fun way to learn more needle felting skills and know how. Di will give lots of advice and guidance on how to make 2D wool felt paintings. Make this beautiful bird painting into a cushion or picture when you are finished. Once you know how you can make some for your friends and family.
All tools and materials will be supplied:
2 x 38 gauge, high quality needles, Printed Kingfisher cushion cover, NZ Corriedale wools for painting.
Options tools to buy:
Wool Pad $18 (Wool blanket or felt sheet can be used)
Multi Tool $10 (Needles supplied are sufficient, however work will go quicker with a 3 needle multi tool)
Choose a wool pad or a multi tool if you do not already own these products. This kit can be made with out them if you have a wool/felt sheet to lay under work on so the needle does not hit the table. The multi tool is used at the end to hammer down all the wool and will make finishing the picture easier. However the needles supplied are sufficient but will take a little longer.
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